The Team

Henning Hermjakob leads the Molecular Systems services at EMBL-EBI, which provide worldwide reference data resources in interactomics (IntAct), pathways (Reactome), and systems biology models (BioModels).

Renato Caminha Juaçaba Neto is a professional software engineer working in research since 2014, currently working on since 2022.
Former Interns

Software Engineer and bioinformatician working in life sciences since 2018, currently developing the frontend for the Open Targets Platform.
Former Team Members

Manuel Bernal Llinares is a professional Software Engineer working in Research since 2005, currently Project Lead at since 2019.

Working together
There is a Memorandum of Understanding between California Digital Library and The European Bioinformatics Institute, enabling services hosted at the California Digital Library (CDL) and services run by EMBL-EBI to provide a uniform resolution mechanism of compact identifiers, using a common registry of prefix-based redirection rules. (Paper).
EMBL | Core Funding |
FAIR-IMPACT | European Commission’s Horizon Europe grant agreement no. 101057344 |
FAIRplus | IMI grant agreement number 802750 |
THOR | European Union call H2020-EINFRA-2014-2, project number 654039 |
CORBEL | European Union H2020 grant agreement number 654248 |
EOSC-Life | European Union H2020 grant agreement number 824087 |
FREYA | European Union H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant Agreement No. 777523 |
ELIXIR | H2020 grant agreement number 676559 |