Migrating from the old platform

The are no changes at all in Compact Identifier or URI resolution, although we recommend switching all URI resolutions to Compact Identifiers, as that is going to be the standard from now on. We will still provide full support to URI resolution, and there is no expiry date for that.

Registry browsing changes

If you are interested in getting information about an identifier, please note the old url to access that information has moved. Using PDB as an example, the url https://ebi.identifiers.org/pdb has been moved to https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/pdb, and can be navigated to using the new web as detailed in the web services documentation.

API endpoint changes

  • The endpoint to download the whole registry dataset, previously located at https://identifiers.org/rest/collections/expand has been moved tohttps://registry.api.identifiers.org/resolutionApi/getResolverDataset, as described in the API documentation.
  • The following boxes show a side by side comparison of the JSON response of namespace request, along with a single provider; to detail the changes made to the data model. Hover over a field to highlight the corresponding new or old field.
  • Old data model
    	"id": "MIR:00000002",
    	"prefix": "chebi",
    	"name": "ChEBI",
    	"definition": "Chemical Entities of Biological...",
    	"pattern": "^CHEBI:\\d+$",
    	"url": "http://identifiers.org/chebi",
    	"prefixed": 1,
    	"resources": [
    			"id": "MIR:00100009",
    			"accessURL": "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/CHEBI:{$id}",
    			"info": "ChEBI (Chemical Entities of ...",
    			"official": true,
    			"resourcePrefix": "ebi",
    			"localId": "36927",
    			"resourceURL": "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/"
    			"institution": "EMBL-EBI",
    			"testString": "carbon-14",
    			"location": "UK",
    New data model
    	"id": 1,
    	"mirId": "MIR:00000002",
    	"prefix": "chebi",
    	"name": "ChEBI",
    	"description": "Chemical Entities of Biological...",
    	"pattern": "^CHEBI:\d+$",
    	"created": "2019-06-11T14:15:26.925+0000",
    	"modified": "2019-06-11T14:15:26.925+0000",
    	"sampleId": "36927",
    	"namespaceEmbeddedInLui": true
    	"resources": [
    			"id": 3,
    			"mirId": "MIR:00100009",
    			"urlPattern": "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/CHEBI:{$id}",
    			"name": "ChEBI (Chemical Entities of ...)",
    			"description": "ChEBI (Chemical Entities of...",
    			"official": true,
    			"providerCode": "ebi",
    			"sampleId": "36927",
    			"resourceHomeUrl": "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/",
    			"institution": {
    				"id": 2,
    				"name": "EMBL-EBI",
    				"homeUrl": "CURATOR_REVIEW",
    				"description": "CURATOR_REVIEW",
    				"location": {
    					"countryCode": "GB",
    					"countryName": "United Kingdom"

    Detailed changes

    namespace model
    Old API New API Information
    id Internal database id of the namespace.
    id mirId In the new API, id is the internal database id of the namespace.
    name Namespace name.
    definition description
    url Internal Identifiers.org URL has been deprecated.
    created Namespace addition date.
    modified Namespace last modified date.
    sampleId Namespace sample ID.
    prefixed namespaceEmbeddedInLui
    resource model
    Old API New API Information
    id Internal database id of the resource.
    id mirId In the new API, id is the internal database id of the resource.
    accessURL urlPattern
    name Resource name.
    info description
    resourcePrefix providerCode
    localId sampleId
    resourceURL resourceHomeUrl
    institution institution is now an object. Refer to its definition.
    testString testString has been deprecated.
    location location is now an object. Refer to its definition.
    institution model
    Field Information
    id Internal database id of the institution.
    name Name of the institution.
    homeUrl Institution home URL.
    description Institution description.
    location Location object containing the institution's location. Refer to the definition.
    location model
    Field Information
    countryCode ISO-3166 compliant country code.
    countryName ISO-3166 compliant country name.